The very first thing I did before the trip was checking where Everton is going to play in 28/29 weekend as it was the only one during my one-week stay in England. They were scheduled to play an away game in Birmingham with Aston Villa. Not sure if I will be able to go there, I checked the games in London, because I was going to stay there. Arsenal was going to be on away game and I was not really interested in Chelsea game, especially that it was highly improbable I will be able to get ticket, as usually all are sold out weeks before the matches.
I come back to the first idea - to go watch Everton game. The main reason was for me, as goalkeepers’ fan, to see Tim Howard live, who made to my list of favorite goalkeepers after the World Cup.
I was checking availability of the tickets on the Aston Villa page every day. There was still a lot of them, even a day before the game. In Saturday I finally decided that I’m going, especially that despite having no. 24 in this season Tim Howard was playing as a first-choice in previous games and most likely also in this one.
Took a coach to Birmingham at Sunday morning and at 12.35 p.m. I was on the place. It took me some time to find Official Aston Villa Shop, located in the city centre. Bought a ticket there on the Trinity Road Upper Stand A sector. Didn’t want a place in section behind the goals as it would be hard to see what is happening on the opposite side on the pitch.
Got by bus to the stadium around 3 p.m. A lot of people was already there, coming to see the game.
Noticed Everton’s coach parked outside and took a few photos of it. Of course all players were already inside, in dressing room. Bought the official matchday programme and then went inside. It was still an hour before the kick-off but I didn’t want to miss the warm-up session.
My sector was on the very top and the view was indeed great. The stadium was huge. Never before was I in such a place.
The goalkeepers of both teams were already on the pitch. At first moment I didn’t noticed Howard. Brad Friedel and Brad Guzan were on the one side of the pitch, in yellow uniforms, and they draw my attention at first.
But then I looked on the opposite side. There was Jan Mucha in the goal.
A moments later Tim Howard appeared on the pitch and I recognized him immediately.
It was fun to watch a part you normally never see in television. All training session of the goalkeepers, all preparations for the game.
Roughly 30 minutes before the kick-off the rest of the players started their warm-up.
It seemed that Tim Howard and Brad Friedel were going to play as the first-choice. All players went to the dressing room around ten minutes before the kick-off. The deputy goalkeepers were the last ones to left the pitch.
The stands filled with spectators only a few minutes before the game. There were some empty places left but nevertheless the stadium looked to be quite crowded. The Everton’s fans sector was all blue. Many Aston Villa fans had jerseys and scarves with the club's colors.
During the game I tried to follow the action and Howard at the same time, and take some pictures (most of them out of focus, unfortunately). Shot also some short movies with the photo camera.
Only ten minutes passed and Luke Young scored a goal. For me it looked as if it was totally unexpected. Everton’s player lost the ball, then it was snatched by Aston Villa player, passed to Luke Young, who send a wide lob over Tim Howard. Unable to save!
In the same moment all spectators leaped up, cheering for the team. Well, I remained seated, as I was supporting Everton in this game and it would a bit... well... weird to cheer after he allowed a goal.
During the whole game it was Everton which was dominating on the pitch but they were not able to use any of the situation they created. They had so many corner kicks that it seemed to be only a matter of time until they score the equalizer. However, they did not success.
Apparently Aston Villa fans were not content of some of the referee’s decision. Heard some negative comments and booing. Obviously they though he puts in favor Everton.
As I said before, most of action took place under Aston Villa’s goal (Everton had 18 corner kicks!), but all dangerous situations were saved by Friedel or the teams’ defenders. Both teams lost the ball a lot of times, it was not a smooth game.
The most amazing save I saw was for sure double save of Tim Howard at the beginning of second half. He saved the shot of Carew, the ball went to Everton’s defender, who lost it in the box. Ashley Young kicked the ball into the net. I’ve almost seen it in, but Tim somehow managed to spring on his feet in a split second, run few two or three meters and bounce it. It was amazing!
He was also lucky later in the game. After another of his saves the ball went on the feet of Aston Villa player, but the retake was send over the goal.
One might see what goalkeepers are doing when nothing happens under their goal (usually 80% of time). Well, for those who had never seen a football game live – they just came out of the goal box and stay close to the penalty arc box, to have a clear view on the action if it’s on the opposite side of the pitch. They also use the opportunity to pass instructions to other players and organize the defensive.
However, they can never lose focus as the situation on the pitch can change very fast.
Considering that in their previous games both goalkeepers had howlers on their accounts it was really nice this time nothing like this happened in this one! Both goalkeepers played fine.
Shot a short video after the final whistle.
Immedietely after the game finished I had to catch a bus to the city centre and get to the coach station, so there was no time to wait for Everton players. Perhaps next time, if there is going to be a next time I got chance to see Everton game live.
Got back to London at evening and it was the end of my trip. For sure it was worth it and I’m happy I got to see one of favorite goalies live.