USA was fast and dangerous as always, and was leading the game for the most time, but Poland managed to equalize two times. Both teams committed mistakes in the defence and the ending was really dramatic, especially for Poland, which was inches from losing a goal in the injury time.
It was nice to see ambition and involevment on both sides, as if it was not a friendly but a game for points.
Jozy Altidore made a good job, scoring one goal and coming close to score another.
In Polish team Jakub Błaszczykowski showed an excellent shape, and his actions on the right wing were very dangerous. Ludovic Obraniak also did good job, and had assists in both goals.
Ok, get to the point, what is the performance of the goalkeepers. Artur Boruc, as always, saved situation in crucial moments. Had to make the first save at the very beginning of the match. The most dramatic was of course the one in the injury time, when he made a save from just a few meters distance. He made 3 saves in total.
Tim Howard had a lot of work to do. He saved a situation one on one (however, Robert Lewandowski could do better than kicking the ball straight on the goalkeeper) and Obraniak's shot from the distance. Very fine performance of him. Liked his self-confidence and that he never lost focus. Strange feeling, to fell happy that the goalkeeper made a save, and sad at the same time, that Polish team wasted an opportunity ;) Howard made 5 saves in total.
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